Mosquito Control

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Mosquito Control

Adult mosquitoes are about 1/4 to 3/8 inch long. Mosquitoes have long piercing proboscis and scales on the hind margin and veins in wings. Color combinations include brown, gray, black, white and silver. Mosquitoes have adapted to almost every kind of aquatic situation such as permanent ponds and marshes, temporary flood waters or woodland pools, drainage ditches, and water contained in tree holes, leaves of plants, or artificial containers.Larvae move actively in water and come to surface frequently to breathe.

Larvae move actively in water and come to surface frequently to breathe.The flight range of mosquitoes varies with the species, temperature, wind direction, time of year, and distance to blood meal sources. Normal flight ranges of mosquitoes are in the range of ½ mile to 10 mile, depending on species. Female mosquitoes suck our blood. Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectars. Mosquitoes are well-known to spread diseases such as West Nile Virus, malaria and dengue fever.

Mosquito adults are small, flying insects pose major threat to mankind due to their active participation in transmitting vector borne diseases. Mosquitoes occur in a variety of habitats ranging from deserts, below sea level to high mountain meadows. There are several species that readily attack/ bite people results in itching, swelling, restlessness, loss of sleep moreover they prevent the enjoyment of many outdoor areas.

Mosquitoes are such a nuisance, are vectors of infectious disease, troubling people around homes and business place or in parks and other recreational areas. The threat of Malaria, Chickungunya, Yellow Fever, Dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases could potentially influence everyone in your family, including your pets. We use natural product which is highly effective on the mosquitoes and above all, it’s safe for humans and the environment. Spraying by our technicians in the areas of their existence repel the mosquitoes and their larvae from the treated areas.

Do’s :

Use fans or blow mosquitoes away to make it hard for them to fly.

Wear tightly-woven clothing since "skeeters" can't penetrate that type of cloth.

Avoid peak mosquito hours, which include sunrise and sunset times.

Don’ts :

Buy wearable devices that have DEET since they don't cover the entire body.

Waste money on citronella candles and coils since they're effective only between you and the "skeeters."

Treatment :

Weekly anti larva, space spraying, thermal fogging, biological control, minor engineering etc.

How Do We Get Rid of Mosquito?

Our experts to help manage Mosquito. Because each building and house is different. The PestEon Experts will design a unique plan for your problem. A special solution for Mosquito with five important steps – Prevention, Inspections, Recommendation, Treatment, Monitoring. PestEon can provide the right solutions to Mosquito keep out of your home.